
What are Landraces, and why are they important? "The term landrace (land race) refers to populations of domesticated plants that were selected over many generations by farmers in a region. Landraces stand in contrast to cultivars (although occasionally landraces are treated as cultivars). Both landraces and cultivars have some genetic and phenotypic (morphological and/or physiological) distinctiveness. Cultivars are usually the product of concerted (often consciously directed) selection, in recent times mostly by plant breeders; landraces are usually the product of relatively unsophisticated (but often remarkably effective) selection by farmers. Cultivars usually have a quite narrow genetic base, corresponding with a narrow range of variability and a narrow range of adaptation to stresses. Landraces usually have a much wider genetic base, corresponding with a broader range of variability and a broader range of adaptation to stresses, especially to the local environmental conditions and biotic agents where they were selected." Ernest Small - Cannabis a Complete Guide, Pg 431

Collecting, preserving, and spreading as much cannabis diversity as we can is essential for the development of new and improved cannabis cultivars that will take take our understanding and breeding of the plant to new heights!